KATS – Fire Suppression System, fire is detected through Fire Detection Tube (FDT) assembly. KATS (Electrical Panel Flooding Systems)is very useful in confined spaces when human is unable to extinguish the fire & quick operation is required. As soon as the fire ignited, the FDT senses the fire & Actuate the valve & releases the Extinguishing Agent.
- No external power source required.
- Easy to maintain, operational readiness, expansion flexibility.
- 100% effective.
- 100% automatic & full execution of system, so it doesn’t required any human involvement.
- Quick response system & It also extinguishes fire very quickly.
- Very easy installation & Less maintenance required.
- The extinguishing agent is Neutral, Non-toxic & Biodegradable.
- Easily integrated with fire control system.
- No false alarms, it reacts only to suppress the Fire.
- Extinguisher shells are 100% factory hydro tested to excess of 35 bar.
- Easy as well more economical to maintain, service and re chargeable.
- Bar coded labels